February 02, 2006

Jimminy Cartah

My hero.
The one and only man of peace.
He who couldn't take any action back when the Iranians took Americans for hostage.
He who speaks bad of this, HIS, country.
He who fondles the likes of Fidel Castro.
The peanut farmer who needs to go back to shell factory.

(CNN) -- Hamas deserves to be recognized by the international community, and despite the group's militant history, there is a chance the soon-to-be Palestinian leaders could turn away from violence, former President Jimmy Carter said Wednesday.

Carter, who monitored last week's Palestinian elections in which Hamas handily toppled the ruling Fatah, added that the United States should not cut off aid to the Palestinian people, but rather funnel it through third parties like the U.N.

Cartah needs to stick to his nuts and stay out of current politics. The world is a different place than when he was President. Groups like Hamas wouldn't be in power had Jimminy taken the right roads way back and kicked the asses of these Islamafreakoids.

Posted by Raven at February 2, 2006 07:47 AM | TrackBack
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