Thanks GM for allowing me to post on your site...Get well soon my Friend.
On Saturday I participated in a protest the protesters at the Biltmore Fashion Mall in Phoenix AZ.
The Leftist group Code Pink arranged a protest against President Bush, and the war, and Oil prices, and big SUV's, and Education, and Judge Alito, and, and, and, Every thing else American. Most of all I could tell that people really only hated President Bush, Several people really believed that they were being spied on by the government OK, earth to the leftist, earth to the leftist. No one cares what you say unless you talk to Al-Qaeda
This first picture is of very OLD lady that couldn't come up with an argument other than we were stupid right wingers. Real nice OLD lady...hehe the lady in black only made personal attacks....these people are not capable of dialog.
Technorati Tags: Code Pink, Protest Warrior
The kid with his back to me (in red) was a 20 year old College Protest Warrior that was engaging in debate with some real facts and was only called names in return.. did you know that the war in Iraq is only for Oil? Wow. How about the profit of the oil companies was 10 Billion? But they didn�t know that the total revenue was 300+ billion. One guy didn�t want to listen to anything other than the fact that the oil companies made about 9% profit.
This guy in front wouldn't even ask a question or answer a question about his sign...he would only stand there with a bad attitude. Whiner!
This guy with the yellow ribbon sign is a fake! He was wearing a Marine Corps Shirt. Claimed to Be a Marine to me (I was warring a Marine Shirt (If it absolutely positively has to be destroyed over Night, US Marines). When this guy was talking to a leftist Navy guy he claimed to have been in the Navy during Viet Nam. So I questioned him and his story changed again. He was not able to get into the service at all but was going to enlist in the Navy as a Corpsman to be near the Marines...Then he was a Christian, but not a really a Christian but just spiritual...what does that mean? I think it means he like his convenient religion.
The guys in red on one side were announcing the opposition has arrived. let the deate begin.
These guys headed straight into the pink hornets nest...The personal attacks were coming out of the pink side like mad. mad Pinky's
We were outnumbered by about 50 to 10 but we one every battle.
Later I talked to a DJ on Air America and tried to debate the anti American signs he was caring and he said his brother (a high School History teacher) would have to debate me because he was not up on all of the issues that were listed on the sign he picked up... OK whenever. he said most right wingers were just stupid, ignorant, mean people. WRONG.
Sick Lame and Lazy. This lady riding her chair around stood up to shoe me her shirt.
If you really want to understand the people we were going up against check this out..
This is a car that one of the pink girls drove up in.
Some funny things were there was even a leftist lawyer but he couldn't argue other than to say that I was stupid and must have been a drop out of school...I think he should retire because he sucks at presenting a case for what he was there for�I would not hire him. He must be in the ACLU.
Damn freaks. LOL Think I'm gonna start a COUNTER THE PINK blog...Hijacking the color of my choice.
Love the lady who needs that w/c...probably just using it cause she's lazy like so many people...
retty much nothing seems worth thinking about. My life's been completely dull , not that it matters. I've just been staying at home waiting for something to happen.
Posted by: Kaka43801 at July 19, 2006 03:26 PMI've just been hanging out not getting anything done. What can I say? I've basically been doing nothing worth mentioning, but pfft. Not that it matters. Pretty much nothing exciting happening to speak of. I haven't been up to much these days.
Posted by: Kaka29970 at July 20, 2006 05:02 PMI've just been staying at home waiting for something to happen, but I don't care. Basically nothing seems worth thinking about. I can't be bothered with anything recently.
Posted by: TramadoL69034 at July 26, 2006 07:41 AMI haven't been up to anything today. I can't be bothered with anything recently. Nothing seems worth thinking about. I haven't gotten anything done recently, but oh well. Not much noteworthy going on worth mentioning.
Posted by: TramadoL85412 at July 27, 2006 12:10 PMI haven't been up to anything today. I can't be bothered with anything recently. Nothing seems worth thinking about. I haven't gotten anything done recently, but oh well. Not much noteworthy going on worth mentioning.
Posted by: TramadoL75043 at July 28, 2006 11:17 PMI haven't been up to anything these days. So it goes. I can't be bothered with anything these days.
Posted by: TramadoL33683 at July 30, 2006 09:31 AM